
“Thank you for this session. My take away is ‘DONT JUST THRIVE, FLOURISH!!!”

“In 2008 I opened the doors to my retail business, but due to the economic climate business has been tough and we

The last 3 months has been a journey. Rhonel is challenging me to think and also do specific tasks and in doing

Enneagram as an instrument made a huge difference in my personal and professional life. Mrs Rhonel Van Loggerenberg from Oketsa coached me

“My wife and I were going through the roughest period in our relationship when I suggested we contact Oketsa Transformational Coaching to


Inspiring, we always have something to be grateful for. Ordinary miracles. Thank you Rhonél. All the best for you and your family too


This has definitely shown me how much I should be grateful for my life and where I am at currently. I sometimes just focus on my problem that I am dealing with instead of seeing everything around me that is so wonderful.


I have had the privilege of attending this talk 4 times, and every time I learn something more, and the message just increases in power. Thank you so much Rhonel. Truly inspiring!


These sessions are fantastic, i think it is very important to recentre yourself regularly and you are such an inspiration and are able to put life back into perspective. Thank you for everything.


Do less worrying is something I took away from this. Things will only get better, we need to stay positive.

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Want to hear more about how you can transform your life, your relationships, your team and/or organization? 

Book a free 30 minute Discovery session today.

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