What is hope?

jeremiah 2911

Last week I was speaking at a ladies event on the topic of Hope. Such an important, fragile, personal word. If someone was to ask you now to explain hope to them what would you say? I still vividly remember 9 years ago walking into church the morning of the 13th of January 2013. The […]

Giving up


This year…well, it’s been one for the books! Maybe it fits more into the horror section of my library, or even the psychological thriller genre. But definitely a very memorable story. And through it all I’ve been fighting, to not give up, to not give in, to be resilient and have grit. To smile in […]



My hand covers her abdomen almost entirely from right to left, and my heart breaks yet again seeing new scars…As so many times before as soon as she comes from theatre and out of the recovery room my first instinct is to see the wounds, knowing that they will ultimately morph into new scars. As […]

I am…


I am…Two words after which we declare our identity. Yet our language contradicts and weakens us as we say things like “I am sick”, or “I am depressed”, or “I am sad”, or “I am fat…weak…overwhelmed”. We also tell our own kids things like: “You are naughty…being stupid…too much…too emotional” (with the best intentions). However […]

The good wolf and the bad wolf


There is a Cherokee story about two wolves, and it serves as a great metaphor for life’s challenges.  The story goes like this: “One evening an old Cherokee wise was telling his grandson about the battle that is constantly going on inside of people. He said: “My son, there is a battle raging inside of […]

Where are you God?

matthew 625

In the still of the night, when only the noise of my thoughts keep me awake, I find myself asking this question: Where are you God? In hindsight it is a better question than Where is God? But in that moment I very much resemble my four year old toddler with my pity party for […]

Emotional Exposure

emotional exposure

Vulnerable…That is how I feel. Raw and exposed without the energy for the socially acceptable layers of pretense. I stand in front of this group of ladies, each so wonderfully and perfectly made, and I know that I need to share honestly and authentically.  When I was asked to speak at this event I was […]

Endless hope or hopeless end?


Hope…a word we use with so much familiarity. In everyday language we almost diminish it to something out of our control, a chance happening. “I can only hope it works out”. Or “I hope you feel better soon”. I realise I too have started viewing hope as an intangible, a place that only a select […]

I need you lord

i need you lord

I have been silenced by the chaos in my heart and mind. Struggling to explain the noise of my own helplessness and the inability to quiet the fear that overtakes. I see her regress even as we fight a little harder. I am conscious of the passing of time and the societal expectation of settling […]



Nine years ago, early summer morning in front of our home, we sit hand in hand. As husband and wife we pray and then he says, just before starting the ignition of the car: “Are you ready to meet your new best friend?” Because we are on our way to the hospital to have our […]